BSNL 3G hack
Here is a 100 % working trick to unlimited use BSNL 3G at the cost of
Normal GPRS
First of all Buy a normal 2g bsnl's sim card and keep balance 50+ rs.
now activate gprs by sending sms GPRS PRE to 53733 It will be
actrivated in 24 hours, after activation get gprs settings by calling c.care
Now do e-recharge with 230 rs (or whatever unlimited plan exists in your area)
in it, After activation You have to chnage only one thing in yor 3G enabled cell.
Go to settings>tools>settings>phone&g
t;network>network mode> now select UMTS
THEN do manual searching for network u will fing bsnl 3g network there wid small 3g logo along wid its name,select it as default
Now see your data singnals logo..... vola it is converted into 3G
You will get near about 500kbps to 1200 kbps speed
Remember use BSNLEGPRS or BSNLPREPAID as ur access point
This trick is copy pasted from some other source
but its 100% working
Enjoy 3G at appr.
Here is a 100 % working trick to unlimited use BSNL 3G at the cost of
Normal GPRS
First of all Buy a normal 2g bsnl's sim card and keep balance 50+ rs.
now activate gprs by sending sms GPRS PRE to 53733 It will be
actrivated in 24 hours, after activation get gprs settings by calling c.care
Now do e-recharge with 230 rs (or whatever unlimited plan exists in your area)
in it, After activation You have to chnage only one thing in yor 3G enabled cell.
Go to settings>tools>settings>phone&g
t;network>network mode> now select UMTS
THEN do manual searching for network u will fing bsnl 3g network there wid small 3g logo along wid its name,select it as default
Now see your data singnals logo..... vola it is converted into 3G
You will get near about 500kbps to 1200 kbps speed
Remember use BSNLEGPRS or BSNLPREPAID as ur access point
This trick is copy pasted from some other source
but its 100% working
Enjoy 3G at appr.
Reveal Hidden Passwords
[ Homepage - Download ]
Please use these tools wisely. I only use them only to recover the passwords that previously saved(and does not write down anywhere) by company’s ex-IT executive.
Ibibo SMS Flooder
Ibibo SMS Flooder - XxSidxX
Hey guys.....
I have made a new flooder which uses ibibo service to flood the number.
1. Ibibo Account. { https://auth.ibibo.com/register }
2. Your Mobile activated with ibibo Account. { http://imobile.ibibo.com/Call/Start.aspx?turl=http://isms.ibibo.com/ }
3. Number you want to flood
1. Flooder might stop working after some time because its Ibibo ....
2. Your Number will be displayed in the message.
3. Might be slow . Use it only if u want...
4. FLOODING IS ILLEGAL. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK {Using pirated windows is also illegal }
5. Not more then 50 sms at a time because i dont have a good server.
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